International Language and Cultural Experience (ILCEX) is a Portsmouth, New Hampshire-based company specializing in exchange programs between the Seacoast area and Cáceres, Spain. Founded in 2008, ILCEX has organized several trips a year for area high school students. ILCEX has been working with several high schools in the Seacoast.

In the summer of 2012, ILCEX began offering a summer homestay program in Cáceres, Spain, as well as in Portsmouth, USA for students aged 14 and up. The program is run by Carmen Duran, ILCEX Director, a native of Cáceres who has divided her time between Portsmouth, NH and Cáceres for the last three decades.
Carmen Duran has been living in the Seacoast for over 30 years. She has been working at City Shoes and Le Club Boutique for over 20 years. She is very involved in the schools and the community, and is a Spanish language tutor.